Sony Concept Computer Lets You Wear It

I’m a sucker for concept art, whether it’s for games, movies or technology. an enormous a part of most concept styles will in fact never happen or give us a glimpse of what’s possible, not what’s plausible. on the other hand again, take the iPhone back even 10 years and other people will tell you that your insane. So this brings us to the present Sony Computer Concept itself to be worn. Basically, it’s a rather bigger watch which will stream data on its screen (potentially using Sony’s Flexible OLED screen?). The cool part happens once you’ve taken the watch off and laid it out on your desk. Then you've got access to your apps, a pull out keyboard (and there are laser keyboards out there currently where just a light-weight is shined on a area that shows a keyboard and you type away on it). Also note the projector system built into it. Many tech companies like LG are performing on a built-in projector for smart phones. So who knows, maybe we'll see this in 10 years. All i do know is that if you hit the jump, you'll see plenty more dazzling pictures.


  1. Does Sony make such a mobile?
    Honestly, I didn't know about this kind of mobile that I use Bangladeshi brand Symphony Z50 mobile and its features are so awesome that I didn't have to worry about any other mobile.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow Very nice post. sony mobile is olso good. some days i've been looking for post like this. i search google And find
    Symphony Z50 mobile price in Bangladesh. it's really good featues coming the market.


